Comprehensive Psychological Evaluations - InwardBoundPsych

Comprehensive Psychological Evaluations

Psychological evaluation is defined as a way of testing people about their behavior, personality, and capabilities to draw conclusions using combinations of techniques. We currently see psychological evaluations being used in several different settings for multiple purposes for diagnostic clarification. The purpose of a comprehensive psychological evaluation is to try and pinpoint what is happening internally and externally that may impair an individual's functioning in multiple domains of life. A psychological evaluation may result in a mental illness diagnosis (es). Diagnostic clarification is paramount to the efficacy of correct treatment recommendations. It is the mental equivalent of a physical examination.

Psychological evaluations are essential to clarify the accuracy of a psychiatric diagnosis and to facilitate the appropriate treatment interventions utilizing a medical-psychological-social approach that incorporates professionals from various disciplines such as psychiatry, primary care, social services, psychotherapy, occupational and physical therapy, employee assistance, career development and enhancement, and educational settings.

Two people are working on a project together.

Evaluations for the 22 Categories of the DSM-V

Psychological evaluations are used to clarify psychological disorders within the 22 categories of the DSM-V with accuracy and to enhance the treatment of psychological disorders such as:

  • Learning Disorders
  • Childhood Disorders
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Pediatric Onset Bipolar Disorder
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Self-injurious Behaviors
  • Mood Disorders
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorders
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Stress-related Disorders
  • Substance Abuse Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Personality Disorders
  • Somatoform Disorders
  • Conversion Disorders
  • Mental Illness Related to Medical Condition
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Neurocognitive Disorders
A person is touching the image of an mri.

Pseudo Psychology (Pop Psychology) in Assessments

Psychological evaluation is one of the biggest aspects of pop psychology. Pop psychology is largely based upon the testimonies of previous patients, the avoidance of peer-reviewed journal articles (a critical aspect to any science), and poorly constructed "tests," which can include confusing language or conditions that are left up to self-interpretation. There are many biases that contribute to incorrectly assessing a patient, such as hindsight bias or confirmatory bias. The self-assessments found in magazines, websites, and newspapers have no statistical properties and often lead to misunderstanding, misperception, and misuse. No valid interpretation or conclusions can or should be drawn from these types of pop psychology evaluations.